Last Night

Well, tonight I'll be watching the insides of my eyelids --- did a wee bit of boozing last night, missed the Mets game on ESPN, and then threw in the "Eat The Rich" DVD for a couple of friends who had had their share of beer as well. So I'm tired, and I need to hit the hay. "Eat The Rich" was as funny as ever --- I'm surprised at how little known that film is, even amongst my "Young Ones" friends. Gives me the chance to put it on the DVD and treat them.
And speaking of the old DVD --- my Panasonic RV32 went H07 on me yesterday. I have since been enlightened here on the net about what a common problem that is. I guess I was lucky: I got mine as a present on Valentine's Day in 2003 and it performed faithfully until yesterday. Come to think of it, the DVD player outlasted the relationship by a year. Huzzah! Fortunately, my first player, a JVC 501BK that I purchased in September 1999, is still in working order, so I plugged that one in. It doesn't play CD-R's but it'll suffice for now. Trying to decide whether to splurge on a Sony that'll play SACD's as well. Decisions, decisions.
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